Advertise Your Business at SPA Car Wash

Reach the Area’s Most Affluent Consumers!

SPA advertisingWhy would anyone advertise at SPA Car Wash and Detailing Center?

The answer is very simple—no other single retail location in the Delaware Valley attracts the affluent clientele we service. Most important to advertisers—clients spend ample time, in which to consume your messaging in a comfortable, friendly environment, where they are literally “waiting around”! Thirty percent (30%) wait an average of 15 minutes for their service to be completed, plenty of time to consume your message. And SPA is a destination car wash – 20% of our customers come from zip codes that are more than 10 miles away, 40% come from zip codes 6-10 miles away and 40% come from zip codes wit 6 miles – very unusual for the car wash industry where it is typical for 95% of customers to come from within 3 miles of the facility.

With an effective ad that you design (with our help if you like) in a place you select, we will get eyes on your message. And we provide you with space to place literature that expands upon your advertising message.


What makes our advertising venue most compelling is the repeat nature of our business—our clients wash their cars frequently so your message will be viewed over and over again!

A little about our clients – they are very hard to reach with advertising—they don’t clip paper coupons and they are not price shoppers! While they do appreciate a bargain, they value high end service and quality above all else. They have significant disposal income and they like special treatment—they are the clients that most businesses and service providers seek out!

Keep in mind as you consider advertising with us, SPA is a “full service” car wash – every client must exit their vehicle while we perform all the services! This model affords us the opportunity to interact with our customers and expose them to messages on products and services they’ll find useful.

Ultimately our goal is provide consummate service to our clients and avail them of products and services that they value. Our staff are available to answer any questions you may have.
